By Navya Sahay
Greta Gerwig's quirky adaptation of a beloved classic is bound to stay fresh for quite a while in the memories of its many viewers. The film is a collection of exquisite, exuberant, and poignant vignettes that are held together by delightful dialogue and beautiful performances. Finally, a film focused on female leads, without being threatening or judgemental of its male characters! Gerwig has created a modern masterpiece and made it seem effortless as if the carefully crafted, non-chronological scenes of the characters that we see are actually natural glimpses into their lives.

The changes made to Alcott's script do not seem to be intrusive or disrespectful to the late author's work of art. In fact, Gerwig managed to strike the fine balance that many fail in miserably while making an adaptation: to retain the essence of the original, but also to lend it a new direction of one's own making. Her choice of non-chronological scenes is an interesting creative endeavor that doesn't rob Alcott's scenes of their unique charm, nor does it force newly constructed ideas to fit neatly within the characters. Rather, it accentuates the layered meanings behind Alcott's works and also brings a fresh perspective into how each character is viewed. As nearly everyone has read of or heard of Little Women (and by everyone I of course am referring to those privileged enough to watch the film), the non-chronological narrative breaks expectations and also aids the viewers to tie in every scene in the past to the present and future. Seeing all variations of Jo at once: a young, tomboyish, wild girl, a hopeful, eager, young writer, and a wiser, quieter, and more somber woman, helps us to see her growth. Similarly, the transformation of the spoiled, petulant Amy to the strong, young woman who is weary of the world is a sight to behold and such a comparison could not have been achieved by the traditional, linear narrative. Greta's direction may have been bold, especially her ending (spoilers ahead), but it is a testament to the very job of the director: to be the creator of the world of the film. This brilliant direction can only lead us to question why Gerwig was not nominated for the Oscar that she definitely deserved. The only answer to that would be the very patriarchal society that she criticizes in her film!
The acting in this film is superb! This particular adjective used is not exaggeration in the least, so high is the quality of the film. Laura Dern embodies the spirit of a loving, strong woman who serves as the matriarch of the household. Streep is hilarious in her role of Aunt March, taking liberties to present her as not just a grumpy, lonely, old woman, but also a weary woman whose practicality is a product of the world she lives in. Timothee Chalamet is splendid as Laurie, portraying his loneliness and anxiety to be part of a loving household to extremely touching depths. Florence Pugh had the hardest role perhaps as she had to make the least -favorite March sister seem likable. Suffice it to say she succeeds with flying colors! Through her portrayal, we are presented with Amy: the youngest of the March sisters, who is spoiled and immature at youth only because of her being constantly overshadowed by her older sisters. Yet, this Amy grows on to be a lovely young woman with a sense of boldness that might match Jo's. Her speech on marriage being an economic proposition is a work of perfection, a feminist statement if you will, and so agonizingly real that it reminds us that the story behind the freedom that we have dearly-won as women! But the most striking of all is Saoirse Ronan as she plays the main lead: Jo March, the leader of the sisters, the adventurer, the writer, the one who defies all conventions! Ronan's acting should have won her the Oscar because her performance is so nuanced, so brilliant, that it's ablaze with sheer skill and power! Her speech on how women have minds, as well as hearts, is angry and impassioned and bold, just as Alcott's Jo is supposed to be. As an audience, we ache for Jo, we root for her partly because Ronan possesses the rare talent of expressing a multitude of emotions and appealing to our empathies. Only later do you pause to think and realize that Ronan is merely 25! At 25, she has the acting wisdom of actors much older than her. One can only imagine what she would produce next.
Of course, like all films, Little Women has a couple of subtle elements that it could improve upon. For instance, I was slightly disappointed to see how little importance was given to Beth in the film. She is defined almost entirely by her eventual death, almost as if her character is not strong enough to anchor her to the story. Gerwig could perhaps have expanded her character and made her seem more relatable to the audience, instead of just being the good, quiet, little girl approaching death that she is portrayed to be. Additionally, I think further importance could have been given to Meg, whose struggles and views are very different from Jo's.
But there are so many other aspects of the film to appreciate. The ending must be discussed, it's inevitable. The choice to leave it slightly ambiguous about Jo's eventual choice and her later life: whether she marries Bhraer or whether that is only a fictional dream intended to please the publisher of her book, much in the same way Alcott was forced to, remains to be seen. However, whichever course Jo may eventually have taken, Gerwig's message is clear: Jo is a writer and an independent woman, unlike any other. Her sense of accomplishment and happiness can be achieved through her own achievements which may or may not include marriage to the man of her dreams. Through this, Gerwig also pays homage to Alcott, who herself never married and yet, remains one of the most celebrated writers even today!
Little Women is a film that made me cry and made me laugh. I was heartbroken to see Laurie married to Amy and Jo burying her letter to Laurie (I am forever going to be a Jo-Laurie shipper no matter what!). I laughed in delight to see Jo and Laurie's hilarious dancing. Very few films have the ability to be so inherently charming, yet at the same time so thought-provoking! Hats off to this adaptation, which I hope years from now schoolchildren will study as a classic in its own right and a work of art!
This was an amazing review - I haven't watched the movie but I have read the book and I'm usually scared that watching a movie adaptation will ruin the book for me. However, I'm absolutely convinced that I should watch it now!